Can't believe it's February already! The best way to start off a new month is to get sick! Well, no, it's one of the worst way and I just had to be the one.
Well, but I don't usually get sick so I guess I can't help it. I'm down with very bad sore throat. But I still can talk, thankfully. It's just really painful, like a burning sensation every time you swallow. Eating is alright, but lying down and trying to sleep is really horrible.
That would explain why I'm up so early today. I try to sleep early last night, around 11.30pm. But it was so difficult to sleep, but somehow I managed to catch a few hours of nap and end up waking up at 3am in the morning because it's just too much for me to take. I got out of my bed, drank a bit of water and tried to sleep but failed miserably.
I ended up sleeping in the living room on the wooden "sofa". It's not the most comfortable but it's right in front of my god's pray altar so I feel somewhat "blessed" or "protected" so it's probably one of the best place to sleep as well. lol. I'm pretty much a free thinker, but I do respect my house god a lot.
I managed to sleep while having a strepsils in my mouth while I sleep for another 1 or 2 hours before waking up again feeling like trash. I decided I should stop sleeping because just lying down makes me feel like trash. No offense to trashes but yeah. I got my mom to cook for me some instant noodles for breakfast before she heads off to work. (yay!)
Have you had any idea how many strepsils have I eaten since yesterday? I think about 6 or something. The quickest way I can think of to sooth the burning feeling in my throat.
Anyways, I got my results online for my JLPT4 and I aced it! Triple A! Well, it's pretty easy to pass and really kind of difficult to fail it anyways so sometimes the JLPT doesn't really proves your Japanese language standard. I know of people who got JLPT5 (the lowest) and ends up speaking like a local. Just because they didn't take the exam. (wth!) lol.
Also, I got my hair dyed to a darker brown. My hairstylist didn't want me to get a total black hair color because she doesn't want me to have trouble dying my hair in the future. So, my hair is currently black but it's going to fade in a few weeks' time to a darker brown. But for now, it's like totally black and I'm loving it! As usual, she blow dries my hair into a perm. She really likes me to have a perm yeah? Thanks to her, I got my perm hair last year when I didn't even think I'd ever going to curly hair ever, in this lifetime. lol. Yeah, I like her a lot. She knows how to cut my hair as well. I can't imagine anyone else cutting my hair!

This is how my hair looks like right now. My apologies but I don't have any makeup on so I closed my eyes in this photo. I'd probably look like some shagged kid out there if I were to open my eyes.
I don't care if I look younger in black or darker hair color anymore. I mean, I got to treasure my youth as much as I can. lol. I'll just go shopping for clothes that are a little more mature instead of the usual T-shirts which I love wearing. Nothing beats T-shirts okay? I will love T-shirts forever.
I will post more OOTD soon. Don't intend to do any fashion blog thingy but I like to share what kind of clothes I wear. Mainly because usually I don't have much to show anyways, so when I do and I think it's good, I want to share!! haha. Also, the fact that my fashion isn't particularly any style or genre. It's just a mix and match of whatever I see comfortable and makes me look slim or taller. LOL. Those 3 factors are very important to me. lol. Comfortable, Slim and Taller.
And.... Follow my instragram for photos that you'd probably won't see anywhere else.
And.... Follow my twitter for quicker and random updates.
That's all for now. Bye!
Let's have an awesome February, shall we? :)
Get well really soon :D haha
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