Hey whats up!
I'm feeling a lot better as compared to yesterday. I still can't eat much though my appetite is back.
Last night wasn't a pleasant sleep. I woke up after one hour of sleep and about 5mins of rolling around in bed because I wasn't able to sleep. Probably because I took an afternoon nap yesterday. Too much sleep for me in a day. So I got up at around 3am and started writing on my ameblo blog and writing down what happened in those 2 days when I did not write anything. When I'm tired or sick, my brain can't exactly function in so many languages at once. My languages all together aren't that strong anyways.
Basically it's some boring stuff so I won't do a translation here. Unless people want to know then probably I will.

Even though I was sick the other day, I was out so I had to put makeup because I was going for a job interview. Yeah, talk about bad timing. Since I don't up makeup that often nowadays, when I do put makeup, I would camwhore for keepsakes though end of the day only a few would ever make it online on my personal facebook. Yeah, this was overexposed I think because I was infront of my laptop when I was taking a photo thus the overexposed photos.
Anyways, I'm planning to do up vlogs of and perhaps OOTDs on my youtube instead of making it a dance cover youtube channel because looking back at it now, I think I really suck at dancing. lol. I still enjoy dancing though. But I'll probably just put it up as unlisted and only those who has the link is able to watch it. But I'm going to do that after I got new things to upload though. I mean, I don't want to waste the efforts of my friends helping me to take a video of it. Yeah, so go subscribe to my channel!!
I personally think doing Outfit Of The Day (OOTD) is pretty fun. I mean, people can't exactly judge you on what you're wearing right? Yeah, I'm scared of people judging me so I'm usually pretty self-conscious of myself when I meet new people. I can't help it! But, I'm trying to get out of that because being too self-conscious does has it's negative side. Oh wait, it's totally negative!!
First thing to solve it is to come out of your comfort-zone. I think it's very important to challenge ourselves to do greater things. Not only after accomplishing it would make you feel awesome, it will make you a stronger person as well. At least that's what I believe in. :)
Did you know, 2nd February is officially called, "TwinTail day", 【ツインテールの日】! I got to know about it from Mr DannyChoo's twitter. What else can we expect from Japan? haha.
I posted a photo of me in twintails that was taken last year in twitter after seeing that tweet. I want to join in too!
I'll do a translation though my Japanese may have mistakes. lol.
2月2日は「ツインテールの日」だった!ちょっと遅いけど、私もツインテールやります!はい!恥ずかしいけど、これはツインテールチサキです。(笑)→ pic.twitter.com/KgnXbBKp
2nd of February was TwinTail Day! I'm a little late, but I will do twintail too! Yes! It's embarrassing but this is TwinTail Chisaki (Chisaki in Twintail). (laughs) → pic.twitter.com/KgnXbBKp
Have an awesome Sunday. It's pretty chilly today due to the rain. Stay warm people!!
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