Since I am down to the mid of my third week of summer holidays, I reckon I should do a little update on the animes and films I've recently watched. I love watching different films but I am also very picky about what I watch. I usually don't watch anything that is too popular.
These are the list of animes that I've been watching:
- Glasslip「グラスリップ」
- Re:_Hamatora 「Re:_ハマトラ」
- Akame Ga Kill!「アカメが斬る」
- Free! Eternal Summer
- Bakumatsu Rock「幕末Rock」
- Nobunaga Concerto「信長協奏曲」
- M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane 「M3〜ソノ黒キ鋼〜」(Spring 2014)
- Amatsuki 「あまつき」(Spring 2008)
- Tokyo Ghoul「東京喰種-トーキョーグール」
- Zankyou no Terror「残響のテロル」
- Ao Haru Ride「アオハライド」
M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane hasn't ended so I'm continuing the series because it's too intriguing! Thankfully, the story had finally started to unfold. Amatsuki is something I stumbled upon when I was in search for more Bakumatsu period animes. I've always been into samurai/ninja or the Edo period of Japanese history. But recently, I've been really into Bakumatsu period animes and almost anything that says 'Shinsengumi'. That also explains why I'm watching 'Bakumatsu Rock' and 'Nobunaga Concerto'. Though, honestly, I had second thoughts about watching those two animes but actually, they aren't as bad as I thought they would be. Especially Nobunaga Concerto! Also, I'm in love with Souji's solo song in Bakumatsu Rock. The rest are just alright, not too bad. but they didn't make it to my favourites' list.
Out of the whole list that I've stated, my favourite has to be 'Tokyo Ghoul', 'Zankyou no Terror' and 'Ao Haru Ride'.
I really couldn't wait for the next episode of Tokyo Ghoul so I've started reading the manga. I don't think there is much surprise that I'm in love with 'Ao Haru Ride' anime because it's shoujo genre. I love my shoujo mangas! I've also read the manga and it is really awesome. Even though I sort of dislike how Kou is acting, I can't hate him entirely because I understand his stand as well. I have a love/hate relationship with people like Kou. If anyone has a personality like Kou, don't talk to me because I might fall in love.
I really couldn't wait for the next episode of Tokyo Ghoul so I've started reading the manga. I don't think there is much surprise that I'm in love with 'Ao Haru Ride' anime because it's shoujo genre. I love my shoujo mangas! I've also read the manga and it is really awesome. Even though I sort of dislike how Kou is acting, I can't hate him entirely because I understand his stand as well. I have a love/hate relationship with people like Kou. If anyone has a personality like Kou, don't talk to me because I might fall in love.
These are the films that I've watched recently:
- Fuse:Teppou Musume No Torimonochou 「伏 鉄砲娘の捕物帳」(anime)
- Hotarubi no mori e 「蛍火の杜へ」(anime)
- Sukitte ii nayo 「好きっていいなよ」
- Hot Road 「ホットロード」
- Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno 「るろうに剣心 京都大火編」
The two anime films that I stumbled upon, wasn't half bad. Simple 'forbidden love' sort of story. Makes me feel kind of sad but yet happy. I guess, this is what people like to call it as, bittersweet love? I honestly don't know but it's worth watching in my opinion.
Rurouni Kenshin is a classic anime/manga which I believe any real anime or manga lover would have read or watched the series. It also screams childhood! I am so proud that the anime was part of my childhood and now the live action movie is going to be part of my early adulthood. Hot Road is a real simple love story that really touched my heart. I think the more tear jerking scene was when Kazuki was talking to her mother instead of the love between Kazuki and Haruyama.
I was really disappointed with 'Sukitte ii nayo'. Firstly, I am a huge fan of the manga and the anime. Without a doubt, I'd be looking forward to the live action movie, and have high expectations on it. Just after about 15 minutes into the movie, I felt like leaving the theatres already. This is just my personal opinion on it but I think it was really badly done. Even Emily, who did not read the manga nor watch the anime, was disappointed in the movie.
Anyways, that's what I've been doing most of the time ever since my summer holidays started. Yup, really busy watching animes and heading to the movie theatres. Well, at least this is my way of revising my Japanese. Let me know if I missed out any good ones that I SHOULD be watching. lol.
Anyways, that's what I've been doing most of the time ever since my summer holidays started. Yup, really busy watching animes and heading to the movie theatres. Well, at least this is my way of revising my Japanese. Let me know if I missed out any good ones that I SHOULD be watching. lol.
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