I went out late last night to meet my good buddy, Mai, for a little chat. Perhaps to let her not go out for partying on a Friday night as well. Sometimes having a relaxing Friday night can be pretty awesome as well. I mean, Friday doesn't mean "party night". Well, at least for me. Even if I do go out for drinks, it's just me chilling at a bar or a live house just me, good music and a drink. Do I sound old? Like some old grandpa? LOL.
We just chilled out at 24 hours Macdonalds near our area drinking Milo. The first thing my mother asked when I told her I was heading out was, "You going out drinking tonight?"
Hey mom, I don't drink that much as you think I do. I only do it for social or for de-stressing. Even if I do drink, the most I ever drank was perhaps just 2 mugs of beer? lol. I'm not even craving for a drink right now either.
What I really need now, is some Macha Frappuccino. My favourite and only drink I drink in starbucks. I'm not a fan of coffee. Never was. lol.
Anyways, this was my casual outfit of the day(or night).

Nothing special but seeing that it's the night time, it can get pretty chilly.
Top Inner: Hot Pink Tank Top
Top Outer: Cat design cardigan, bought from Japan.
Bottom: Forever21 shorts.
Shoes: Platform leopard print ankle-cut sneakers, from Japan as well. :D
For the cardigan maybe not exactly cat design cardigan because there is musical notes, moon crescents, heart shapes.. Pretty random but the first thing that caught my eyes was the cat anyways.
My friends would all agree that this style is so me. I'm not those girly type of girl who wears dress and stuff. Well, perhaps once in a blue moon. I prefer street style. But then again, whatever I'm wearing now isn't even street style I supppose. I just wear anything that's comfortable! lol.
Anyways, I gotta prepare to head out. Gonna catch a movie with my friends. Guess what I'll be watching? haha. Yeah yeah, the answer will be on twitter anyways. Don't bother guessing.
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