Hello. I drew this big beady eye version of snoopy during design club yesterday. I have totally forgotten that his eyes is just a thin line instead of a round beady one. It was also the first time I ever used Adobe Illustrator so this was quite a work of art for me; Especially for me since I can't draw even if my life depended on it!
Yesterday, I wrote that I will not skip school today but I ended up skipping one class. I am not exactly guilty about it since I did come to school to attend the rest of the class that I had today. I was really tired so I decided to sleep in and skip the first class of the day. I really wonder why I was so tired even though I slept earlier yesterday. I don't remember doing much yesterday either.
I received my midterm grades. My overall GPA was alright but I could have and should have gotten more. The previous ignorant me would think that this is a good grade and just think of maintaining the grades I have. The current me, wants more than what I have. Honestly, it is the first time I ever felt like this! Like I actually wanted something more in my studies. I can do improve my grades before the end of the semester. I know I can. I just need to tackle the weaker parts and balance out the lower points.
Hurray for extra credit assignments! There wasn't such a thing in my previous schools, ever.
Sorry for always writing about school. This is the first time I am ever really serious about my studies. I should have gone overseas for my studies sooner if I only knew this was the outcome.
It's never too late to start.
Good Night.
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