10 February 2014 |
Hello. Why am I writing at this time again? Well, that can only mean a few things; either I just woke up from a nap, I decided to be a vampire/an owl and not sleep or that I am bored. Actually, I am bored and I also did woke up from a nap. I also took an after nap shower and I feel really awesome right now!! I usually feel extra icky after a nap, even though it is winter now and there is no way I would sweat when I am sleeping.
Talking about naps, I just had a really strange dream earlier on. It was not even based off from any show that I just watched. Mind you, before I took a nap, I was watching
Kuroko No Basuke anime and that dream had nothing to do with basketball matches!
It was some RPG like, but everything got weird from the middle til the end. I'll give you a few hints before I go into detail.
(If I could even do up a good story explanation. It has been ages since I did that and I used to be pretty good at it.)
Grasshopper, Books, Train Station and adventure? lol.
It didn't start off like any fantasy or RPG story, or at least this is how much I remember. I'll try my best to do an interesting/exaggerated one so it will be worth reading even for a minute. Mind you, there is no ending because I woke up all of a sudden. Oh well, dreams...
My friends and I were on a mission, an adventure to find something really important. Honestly, I didn't know what I was up to but all I know is we had to travel quite a bit. It was not totally medieval time, it was a mix of a bit medieval and future, which I suppose made everything weird.
We needed to take this train at this station but because of the snow, trains were unable to move. But there was a special emergency transport which I suppose was only for us since the train station was pretty torned down with snow covering almost everything. To my surprise and perhaps a little bit of disgust, it was a huge grasshopper. It was our transport. It not only walks and travels fast on snow, it can fly too. But it wasn't totally an insect but more of a robot made to look like a real grasshopper because we can ride in it and not on it.
The body opened up and the seats inside looked like those similar to an airplane or a shinkansen. It was really comfortable looking. The ride was similar to a train ride so it was pleasant. Not to mention we could fly so it made everything extra cool.
When we reached our destination, getting off was not the same as boarding. We had to get out by an unusual way, laid out. I literally mean the grasshopper robot had to lay eggs and us inside the eggs to get out. There was no station and we were in the air so I suppose that was our parachute at that time. There was no time to waste and we had no choice so we all agreed despite imagining how disgusting it would be.
We all got ready at our seats and there was a huge vacuum which started sucking us at the other end; the butt of the robot/grasshopper. I closed my eyes prepared myself, the wind was also very strong so I could not open my eyes either.
The next moment when I opened my eyes, I thought everything was not as bad as I thought it would be. I did not realise my surroundings until I started to stretch because it felt like I slept for quite a long while.
(mind you, I was dreaming so I am in fact, sleeping. lol)
I looked around; everything around me was blurry white. That was when I realised, I am in fact in an egg! Whatever the driver said wasn't a lie. I started panicking because I was not told how to get out! I started punching around and poking with my hands hoping it would break the membrane. It took me quite awhile but somehow I managed to tear open one side and the water/goo surrounding me spilled out. It felt disgusting yet at the same time, refreshing.
When I climbed out of the soft shelled egg membrane layer, I found my friends also struggling to climb out. All of us are drenched in the goo like thing. I am still not sure what it was but it felt almost like as if it was those alcohol rubs which doctors use before an injection. We all dried up pretty fast and it didn't feel disgusting at all. In fact, we had nice skin, nice hair, even better than before.
We landed at this foresty island which was below our ride earlier on. I suppose it really was our parachute just that it didn't feel like a parachute. It felt more like we were put into a deep slumber.
The next moment which I recall was that I was at this library trying to find an important book. We were searching around quite frantically for that book.
That was when I suddenly woke up! I'm not even sure if I ever found that book. lol
It has been a long while since I had weird dreams like this. I haven't been having dreams for a quite awhile and I am really sad about it. Dreams were my source of creativity; or at least, I think it is.