Hello! As the title says, Happy Halloween!!!
I didn't do anything special for Halloween this year but I thought I should join the mood. There are quite a few people on the streets wearing different costumes in the afternoon today. I guess it's something to expect during Halloween I guess?
今年のハロウィンは何もやってないですが、皆さんと一緒に盛り上がろうと思って!午後に町でコスプレしている方が結構います。 さすがハロウィンですね!
Things I ordered from Asmart came in today! Asmart is an online shop that sells stuff of AMUSE talents. Now, they cater to international fans as well! Though, it's not really a concern for me anymore. So, those who want stuff from AMUSE talents, (e.g ONE OK ROCK), try ordering from Asmart!
アスマートで買ったものは今日来たよ!アスマートはアミューズのタレントさんのグッズを売っているオンラインショップです。今は海外のファンたちも使えます!今は私と関係ないですけどね。まぁ~もしアミューズのタレントのグッズ『例:ONE OK ROCK』が買いたい方がいらっしゃるなら、是非アスマートで買ったください!(笑)
As you can see, I'm trying something different for this blog post by writing in both Japanese and English. I think it's also because I want to show you guys the level of my Japanese. Though, there can still be errors in grammar and such. Of course, translation will not be perfect so, please pardon me. I'm still studying the language.
見ると分かると思うんですが、ちょっと違う書き方にしようと思ってだから今回の更新は日本語と英語で書きました。私の日本語の能力が皆さんに見せたいと思いますからね。しかし、時々文法の間違いがあるかもしれないです。もんちろん、翻訳も完璧でわないので、勘弁してください!まだ勉強中なので。( *´艸`)
I also need to study for my Japanese Proficiency Test N2 so this could be the perfect timing to start. If I do go back Singapore, I want to try doing translation jobs. It seems both interesting and challenging!
Oh right! Must be wondering what came in the mail today right? Well, I finally got ONE OK ROCK's "Jinsei x Kimi=" DVD. I also ordered Sakurada Dori's 20th Anniversary limited edition blog 1 & 2. It's a compilation of his blog from May 2007 ~ October 2009. I like to read his blog because it's cute and interesting. I wish I can write like him though. I sometimes wonder if my blog posts are interesting..? I mean, he has just one photo per update and writes quite a bit but it seems good enough. I don't see a reason a point in "writing" a blog when it's all full of pictures. It doesn't seem to make sense. Maybe it's just me.
あぁ~そうだ!メールで何を来たかって気になるでしょう?まぁ~ようやくワンオクのDVD『人生X君=』が手に入れたよ!また、桜田通さんの「20周年記念日の限定『DORIBLOG』のブログ vol 1 & 2なんです。それは彼の2007年5月から2009年10月までのブログ更新の集めたものです。通さんのブログが好きな理由は可愛くて面白いです。彼のように面白いブログを書きたいな~時々自分のブログが面白いかな?って考えったんだ。ほら、彼はいつも更新する時一枚の写真しか入ってない、色々書いたけど、丁度いいですよ。ブログは沢山写真入ったけど、あまり書けないなら意味ないと思うな~多分私だけそう思うけどね。
It's tiring to do translation like this... I should stop writing for today and head off for a quick shower. I have school tomorrow. I will write again. Perhaps I should try to write everyday like Dori. lol.
Bye~ See you.
こういうふうに翻訳するなんて疲れるよな・・・今日はここまでにします。そして、シャワーを浴びます!明日学校があるから。また書きます。通さんと同じように毎日更新するかな・・?( *´艸`)
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