I've finally got my hair dyed with red and with a darker shade of brown/black? It's in a nicer looking condition at least. This may not be the best photo to represent my hair but it's actually ombre hairstyle. I dyed my hair inner red. It's going to fade but I'll just enjoy what I have right now.

I had a quick L4D2 session with Mr Ivan last night before I went to bed. We tried to snipe all the zombies and used snipers throughout the game. I'm actually getting better at this game. I honestly prefer shooting games and RPG sort of games. I'm trying to get otome games into the PSP Kai lend to me to bring it over to Japan. I have the best guy pals ever.
Oh yes, can you hear the sound of summer even in singapore? The sounds of crickets and all that jazz, yeah, that's the sound of summer. Looking on the brighter side, it's getting a little bit hotter in Tokyo Japan right now but it's still alright here in Singapore. Thank goodness and I don't have to worry so much about the UV rays. The UV rays in Japan is crazy. No one really noticed how tanned I've gotten, or maybe the tan faded away without me noticing.
I hope that everyone will have a great week ahead. I'm going to prepare to head out to meet with my two ex-colleagues for some catching up. This is really tiring though.
I honestly don't know what's the point of this post but i just felt like doing a little writing. I was writing a long essay of things i want to complain but decided not to since I've already did so on twitter and it didn't look exactly very pleasant. I apologise for that. I always let my emotions take over. x
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