Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Step Two: Moving Forward

7th February 2015
Tachikawa Showa Memorial Park
Hey guys! I've been wanting to update a little on my progress in acculturating in Japan's working culture.

Recently, I found a new part time job/internship sort as a reporter; introducing Japanese culture to the viewers on youtube. I'm not used to having a camera right up in my face as I talk but I thought being part of this project has its own perks. I think it serves as a good experience in the media industry in Japan from a different perspective. Also, a chance to update my ever-dying resume!

This is the project I am currently a part of:

There would more videos about Japanese culture on their youtube channel upcoming up, so do look out for that.

A few days back, I went to Tachikawa Showa Memorial Park. It's winter so everything is pretty bare but I thought it still looks amazing. I love how the trees look during winter! The reason why I even went so far off to the west side of Tokyo was because the Re-Photography club that I'm a part of was trying to re-photograph certain places in the park. I learnt that the park used to be a US military base. How cool is that?! There is so much history on this plot of land. It was a wonderful trip. I'm still pretty amazed at how they were able to visualise how the place looked like before though. The few times I wonder how my professors' brain work.

This week is midterms. I am so not ready for all that stress. 

I am slowly moving forward. I am glad I'm no longer at the starting point. x

180 days.

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