Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Adventures in my Head: Strange encounters

I had a really awesome dream earlier today. It's really strange yet, I woke up feeling really good.

The setting was at old and dirty warehouse but it was actually an arts university. It was some trial class and interview session for an arts major that I applied for. I got bored waiting in the waiting room with all the other students so I decided to explore the school while there was still time. I stumbled upon this seemingly abandoned courtyard. In the middle, lies a huge, non-functioning old and dirty fountain. I'm usually not a brave person in real life but in my dreams, I'm always brave and adventurous. So, I decided to walk towards the old fountain to examine the Romanesque style decorations. All of a sudden, a huge dragon came out of nowhere and started chasing me. Instead of fighting back like what heroes do, I ran for my life because that was the only thing I could do. I ran all the way back to the waiting room where all the other students were. Apparently, I wasn't the only one in cold sweat and out of breath. To my surprise, one of my schoolmates, Martin, was also there. We exchanged looks for a bit and greeted each other. A few minutes later, the headmistress came into the room asking us to go in one by one to her office so she could do an interview with us. The headmistress looks like a modernized version of yubaba from 'Spirited Away'. She had with a different hairstyle and looked less intimidating . She also had white curly bob instead of the bun-up hairstyle. Fashionable. It wasn't long until it was my turn. I was still trying to recover from the horrible encounter at the courtyard. I stood up, trying to make myself look calm and neat and slowly wobbled my way towards the door.

As I touched the door knob, Martin called out to me, "You'll be fine."

I gave him a thumbs up, took a deep breath and turn the door knob. I entered the room, greeted and sat down. She did not seem to be surprised that I was in cold sweat and breathless.

She just replied, "You seem to have had quite an adventure."

I simply nodded and waited for further instructions. She started asking me some questions about myself without looking at me and I answered them. After answering all those mundane questions she finally looked up and asked, "Tell me about the adventure you had earlier".

My eyes widen and replied, "I don't think you'd wouldn't believe it if I told you."

She smiled and told me that if I don't tell her about it, I may not be able to pass this interview. I do not want to fail the interview so I explained what happened to her. Apparently, that whole 'adventure' experience was something that this 'magical arts school' had. If the student was creative enough, strange and magical things would happen. Depending on what sort of 'magical or strange' experience, it will allow the school to know which major is more suitable for the student and the level of creativity the student has.

I woke up from this amazing yet strange dream shortly after explaining and understanding the whole reason for that 'dragon chasing me' experience I had. Sadly, I didn't know what major I ended up taking and I didn't know why my schoolmate was in my dream. It's not like we're really close, and we only had anthropology class together this whole semester. Despite the how strange this whole dream was, it is definitely worth remembering because it has been awhile since I had dreams like that.

I've decided to start a "Adventures in my Head" series on my blog writing about the dreams I had. Perhaps one day, I'll be able to write a whole fantasy novel. lol. Not going to happen. If I have to face a dragon to be accepted in an arts university, I'd rather not.

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