Hello. :)
Finally it's the weekend! This week felt pretty long. It's because school started for me on the Wednesday!
It has been test and more test so it's pretty stressful for me. Usually I don't study for test or anything but because I'm aiming for the school scholarship thingy. It's suppose to help me to get into a university easier or something because I was a good student in my current school. First time I'm aiming for something in my studies. Usually all I do is pray that I will pass and move on to the next grade because I don't study at all.
Oh yes! I've finally got my internet back as well! Whoopie! :)
So, I'll write about what happen a few days back..
On the 8th of April, there was orientation at school. So basically they would tell us the school rules and some other random whatsnot that the school will help us with. But I've got almost everything done except for opening a bank account though. I'm still thinking whether to change my current japanese phone plan to an iphone plan because, that would be easier for everything right? Ah... but then again, I'm already holding onto an iphone so it practically makes no sense to get another one. All I ever use is the wifi/internet anyways. I still gotta think through it first though. This is so troublesome. lol.
I went out with my neighbor living next door in the school dormitory. I know quite a few of my friends have been asking me about the school dormitory. I'm not sure about other schools, but in my school, this so called "dormitory" is kinda like my own apartment just that if anything happens the school will be taking care of it and basically the people staying in this small building are all the school students; and it's also an all girls' dormitory so there is no ikemen next door where all the love story happens in those shoujo manga. (sad face)
Most of the time it's all me myself and the room. It's pretty cozy to be honest. Also because I chose to stay alone, I have two beds but i picked the one on top. It's like a double-decker bed. Finally I have a chance to sleep on the top! I've always wanted to try that! haha. I'll show you guys after I tidy it up some other time. haha.
Back to topic, I went out with my neighbor to go out exploring the neighborhood. We went to the nearby park and baseball courts and stuff. I even found swings! Since swings are practically extincted back in my home country, I had to play on the swings to re-live my childhood a little. Also, because the weather was so good that day!
When we're walking around the park, I saw this really pretty flower! I just had to take a photo of it! This is what spring is all about!! haha.
Their parks are really big and it's a really nice place to chill as well. I took quite a bit of photos, but most of the photos didn't even turn out good or passable. haha. But the photo of the pink flower is indeed taken by my iphone4S camera. Pretty sharp huh? That is one of the best shots. haha.
The next day which is the 9th, I was free and not feeling the mood to do anything, Crudely speaking, I felt like shit. *lol*
I sent a message to my dear friend Wayne, who was in Tokyo for a short holiday. We met up and was basically following his schedule. Firstly, we went to Asakusa to get our fortunes and of course the famous melon pan! I love the melon pan there. If you're lucky, you manage to get those hot from the oven, it's going to taste even better!!
Then, we headed to Ginza since it was nearby. It was also the first time I went to Ginza. Like what I was told by quite a few people, Ginza is a place with shops that sells branded goods. Lol. That's basically the reason why I never stepped foot into Ginza for all my previous trips. I have no reason to be there. He went there to find souvenirs to buy back home. We did found one place that sells this really delicious custard bread thingy. It was really delicious!!
Then we went over to Tokyo station because he wanted to find something and he keeps bugging me about the Rilakuma shop. I ended up buying a new coin purse that also a card holder. It's the cute little duck that is always with the Rilakuma. It reminds me of Piyoko so I got it.
Then we headed off to Shibuya because he wanted to have dinner at this place that sells really yummy ramen. That ramen shop is pretty popular too. Previously, quite alot of artists went there and they signed on a board. The shop use to be filled with a board that has the artist's signature. I wonder what happen to them.. lol. But the ramen is really yummy as well. They put tons of cabbages in there as well. Not the usual ramen you see in other shops. It's really worth the money as well!!
Both of us ordered the char siew ramen. There is tons of char siew on it, we can't exactly finish everything. You can't even see the noodles! Look! lol.
Look at the amount of Char Siew on the bowl!
Just looking at it makes me hungry. I want char siew right now!! lol.
After dinner, we went to Tower Records Cafe located at the 2nd floor of the Tower Records building in Shibuya. I think that's one of my favorite places to just chill as of yet. We stayed til pretty late, around.. 11pm. First time in Shibuya at such a late timing! I don't think I'll ever have that kind of chance again. It was fun while it lasted. haha. We talked so many random stuff, even about games. Gosh, I'm missing my friends as I'm typing them. I mean, nothing beats your friends back in your home country even if I do make new ones here.
Wayne & Me at the Ramen Shop in Shibuya! |
I guess I'll stop here for now. I'll write the next one on some other days. I'm going to go prepare dinner now. Feeling hungry!!