Saturday 10 January 2015

Melancholy music keeps me sane.

25th December 2014
Group selfie from my trip to Osaka during the winter break
I decided to post up a photo of myself with my awesome friends because I felt that my blog was missing a little personal touch - selfie. I don't take selfies that often anymore. I guess I just couldn't be bothered dressing up to look nice for the camera anymore. I prefer to show my weird side because I think that's who I really am. If I don't feel like having my photos taken, I'll just do a weird expression to hide all the insecurities and laugh it off later.

It's the end of the first week of school and it was alright. I'm happy to be able to see my friends again. I'm happy to be out in about on the streets and mingling with other people. I'm getting slightly annoyed by the current length of my hair and would want to visit the hair salon soon. I'll be working part-time in school this semester. It's not much but at least I get some income.

I guess this is all I really want to write right now. I wrote a bunch of stuff but deleted them. I don't even know why but it happens regularly. I'm getting so stressed right now for a bunch of reasons and I don't really want to talk about it because it's all messed up in my head. I can't even get it sorted out in my brain. But I'll give a little hint on what is causing it - "What do you want to do after you graduate?"  What the bloody fuckery. x

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