I've begun to be more selective of the friends I make; friends as in those I would want to keep. Instead of making a bunch of 'hi-bye' friends, I would rather have lesser of those and continue building the relationships with the ones that I already have. I'm not sure if this is an 'age' thing. Though I do believe it does have some relation to it because I wasn't as selective as I am right now few years ago.
I am at the point where I don't care if I might look anti-social because my real friends would know who I am and how I'd react to situations. I don't even bother voicing my opinions as much as I use to unless I know I am in the right situation to. I am trying my best-est to transit into a working adult, trying to don a more mature look while I still have the time to experiment as a mature student in an institution where it is dominated by teenagers trying to figure out what they want to do with life.
More dresses, pumps, pants and begone with the fringe. I want to fit into the 'adult world' without being told I look 16 anymore.
Behind you all the way. Always your cushion