Friday, 31 July 2015

Done with my final semester!

After worrying for the whole semester about whether I could graduate, I guess I did manage to graduate from college! I had to take subjects I'm not very good at, as well as one that I completely suck at - imagine the stress and struggle I had to undergo! Either way, I'm glad that I'm finally done with my final semester.

I'm looking forward to my graduation ceremony. For the first time, I'll be able to receive my AA degree without any sense of disgust. Though, my parents won't get to attend my second graduation, I think they'd be please once I get home this summer.

There are some things I would want to do once I get home:

  1. Hang out with my dog, BB.
  2. Eat them local delicacies!
  3. Play some RPG games on my PSP/PS2
  4. Visit some museums and library
  5. Cook dinner for my family
  6. Hang out with my friends and do a little catch up
  7. Settle certain errands and application stuff
  8. Take more photos/ make more videos
  9. Solo day trips around town
  10. To be treated like a princess *grins*

I've listed down ten things. I think that's about enough. I don't want to be over listing things I want to because I tend to get lazy and procrastinate. Though, I think i'll be able to finish at least half of this list! We'll see how it goes after my summer holidays! 

Peace! x

Monday, 20 July 2015


Silhouette @ Odaiba, Tokyo Japan.

It's the mid of July. How are you feeling?

I'm as fine as I can be or at least... try to be. I'm not sure if it is alright to feel this confused at the last leg of my time here. I feel stupid to be asking people for advices and not being able to settle down on one. At much as I want to fill my space with positivity, all I do is fill it with angst. I don't care what people will think of me at the end of the day. All I want to know is how I think about myself; how I will feel at the end of the day. Regrets? Guilty? Contentment?

I don't know.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

【外国人レポーター対決】日本クイズ大会 (日本語)

(**English translations of this post is below**)

皆さん、ASEAN Japan Net TVのレポーターさんたちと日本についてのクイズ番組をやらせていただきました!

いつもと違うASEAN JAPAN Net TVの動画です。そして、私たちのいつもと違う面が見れます!

日本にいる瞬間はもう2年半ぐらい立ったが、沢山な日本についてのことがまだ分からなくて、恥ずかしいです~!( *´艸`)

沢山間違いがあっても良かったと思います。てへ~( *´艸`)

何年間ここに居ても飽きないと思います。( *´艸`)











Hey guys! Last few weeks, I participated in a quiz show alongside with with other fellow ASEAN JAPAN Net TV's reporters!

This video is different from the usual video's we've been done thus far. In this video, you can also witness a different side of us!

I've always wanted to participate in such variety programs and I finally got a chance to do something similar! It was really fun as I've imagined!

Even though I've been in Japan for about two years and a half, it's kind of embarrassing to still have tons of things I don't know about Japan. lol. But it's alright because I still learnt a lot from all getting so many wrong answers. :P

I think Japan is an interesting place, be it classical or postwar Japan. I find it difficult to not to fall in love with Japan's main or subculture.

Check out the video and join us in trying out the quiz! Regardless of nationality, if you can understand Japanese, try out the quiz and see if how many points you can get! Time to test your knowledge about Japan!

Until next time, I'll see you soon! :)
